
Recruitment Process

The Indian government closely monitors the activities of companies engaged in the deployment of workers for jobs in other countries. Every worker has to go through a process that will ensure he is registered with the Protector of Emigrants Office (POE), that he has read and knows his rights as a worker in the destination country, and that he knows where he is going and what he is getting into. This process is administered for the worker by Indian Government registered licensed agency.

Every Employer has to register their company online at Indian government Emigrate System/portal and need to verify all documents submitted for registration certificate to Indian Embassy. Indian Embassy will issue an USER ID and Password to generate demand letter on the name of Aditya International.



Detailed steps of each processes are mentioned in the respective user manuals uploaded under ‘Resources’ in emigrate website More Details click on


  1. Employer to apply for registration through eMigrate system (No Fees and Employer Registration is a one time process) [Detailed steps in Section 3.1 – FE User Manual]
  2. Indian Mission to process registration applications of FEs using emigrate system.
  3. Registered Employer to raise demand through eMigrate system and choose RA online. Applicable fees is to be paid offline at Indian Mission [Detailed steps in Section 6.1 – FE User Manual]
  4. Indian Mission to process demand application of FE.
  5. Aditya International to acknowledge Demand ( Upload Signed Demand Letter and POA) [Detailed steps in Section 5.2.1   – RA User Manual]
  6. Aditya International  to apply for Interview/Advertisement.  [Detailed steps in Section 5.2.2  – RA User Manual]
  7. Aditya International to enter identified emigrant details. [Detailed steps in Section 5.2.3  – RA User Manual]
  8. Employer to Generate Employer Contract. (Takes print out, sign it and mails hard copy to RA). [Detailed steps in Section 6.3 – FE User Manual]
  9. Aditya International  to apply for EC. (Takes sign of Emigrant on contract and upload).[Detailed steps in Section 5.2.4  – RA User Manual]
  10. P​OE to process EC application.

Aditya International as a registered agency will perform for their client activities needed in hiring and eventually deploying workers : Sourcing for applicants, advertising for vacancies, interviewing and pre-qualifying candidates, processing the selected candidates, giving them orientation and facilitating their departure. There are different documentation requirements for foreign companies, depending on where these companies are domiciled, but generally three important documents as below:-

Workers Demand Letter     Power of Attorney    Specimen Agreement Copy

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